What is CODIS?

What is CODIS?

CODIS is the nation DNA data base run by the FBI. From the FBI site,
"The FBI Laboratory's Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) blends forensic science and computer technology into an effective tool for solving violent crimes. CODIS enables federal, state, and local crime labs to exchange and compare DNA profiles electronically, thereby linking crimes to each other and to convicted offenders.
CODIS began as a pilot project in 1990 serving 14 state and local laboratories. The DNA Identification Act of 1994 (Public Law 103 322) formalized the FBI's authority to establish a national DNA index for law enforcement purposes. In October 1998, the FBI's National DNA Index System (NDIS) became operational. CODIS is implemented as a distributed database with three hierarchical levels (or tiers) - local, state, and national. NDIS is the highest level in the CODIS hierarchy, and enables the laboratories participating in the CODIS Program to exchange and compare DNA profiles on a national level. All DNA profiles originate at the local level (LDIS), then flow to the state (SDIS) and national levels. SDIS allows laboratories within states to exchange DNA profiles. The tiered approach allows state and local agencies to operate their databases according to their specific legislative or legal requirements."
The newest trend in DNA science is to find "familial DNA matches." In other words, if the DNA matches, but not exactly, is that a full sib, an ancestor, an offspring? Are they related. The FBI, state and local authorities are using DNA to solve cold cases and new crimes.
If you are convicted of a felony sex crime, should the authorities be allowed to take your dna and add it to CODIS? Any sex crime? Any felony? Just an arrest? Get more info from the Innocence Project.

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